If any scouts are interested in archery there are sessions being run at Murray Hall on these dates. Just fill the form in and return to Heather
Scout Archery is held at Murray Hall on the 3rd Friday of each month 6.30-8.30pm, £3 per session.
If you would like your son /daughter to take part please return the consent form below.
Archery Parent / Guardian Consent.
I have noted the arrangements and give permission for;
(Print Name of child)……………………………………………
Of 45th Abbeydale Scouts
To take part in Archery
Please state if your child has a disability or condition which might be affected by this activity…………………………………………………………
Please indicate details of any medical treatment, medicine He / She is having at the moment ………………………………………………………………….
During the event I can be contacted on:
Telephone number……………………………. Mobile……………………………